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Against The Storm is the next free game for RPS premium supporters!

In time for a cool new update

As every good munchkin knows, premium supporters of RPS get free game key giveaways, and this week we're excited to have a blast of first-come, first-served freebies dark fantasy citybuilder Against The Storm. On a somewhat desperate mission to reclaim the wilderness for a kind of demanding queen, Against The Storm charges you with not only building a prosperous settlement, but linking it with multiple others in a vast network of prosperity and civilisation. Read on to find out how and when to get your free key.

Against The Storm is currently enjoying Overwhelming Positive review rating on Steam, and, despite still being in early access, Graham said it was "some of the most fun I had playing a citybuilder last year". Liam had a go of it during one of last year's Steam Next Fests, too, and was impressed enough to make it his top pick. The titular storm worsens as you cut through trees in the forest in search of resources, and the queen is a capricious sort who loses patience if you take too long setting up your functioning settlements.

Because it's a fantasy world, your townsfolk are a mix of humans and non-humans like, you know, beavers, and the art design is giving me some serious original Warcraft vibes. It has roguelike elements, too, and all-in-all is looking very polished for an early access game. And wouldn't you know it, but there's a new update coming just in time for the giveaway. Funny how these things work out, isn't it?

If you were to buy Against The Storm yourself from Steam would cost you £18/€20/$20, but RPS premium supporters can claim a copy for free on Thursday, April 13th - that's this Thursday..

They keys have been provided by Hooded Horse, Against The Storm's publisher, and will be available (first-come, first-served, remember) from 8am PT/4pm BST, April 13th, so make sure you've got your PC or have your phone to hand when the time comes.

Premium supporters can claim their copy of Against The Storm by logging in to their ReedPop ID and visiting the Codes page on their account. After that it's as simple as booting up Steam, opening the "Activate a Product on Steam" window, and copying in that code like you would any other. That's so much to all of you, especially those who had a problem with the automatic renewal last month!

If you're not a supporter yet, but this game is tickling your fancy, you can check out all the details and sign up here. Supporting RPS helps us do the stuff we like doing, but you get a bunch of other stuff in return too, like an ad-free site, extra articles from us, and, crucially in this case, premium supporters get key giveaways, too.

Don't worry if you're the forgetful type, becuase I'll be back on Thursday to remind you that this is happening before the code drop goes live - along with news of that Against The Storm update... Keep an eye out.

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Against The Storm


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Alice Bell

Deputy Editor

Small person powered by tea and books; RPS's dep ed since 2018. Send her etymological facts and cool horror or puzzle games.
