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Amazon Prime's free games in April includes Wolfenstein: The New Order

Plus 14 others

Each month, subscribers to Amazon's Prime service get a new batch of games to keep. April's collection includes a bumper crop of fifteen games, released in waves every Thursday, including Terraformers, Metal Slug 4, and BJ Blazkowicz sad eyes in Wolfenstein: The New Order.

Here are the fifteen games free via Amazon Prime in April:

  • Wolfenstein: The New Order - April 6th
  • Ninja Commando - April 6th
  • Art Of Fighting 3 - April 6th
  • The Beast Inside - April 13th
  • Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition - April 13th
  • Crossed Swords - April 13th
  • Ghost Pilots - April 13th
  • Beholder 2 - April 20th
  • Terraformers - April 20th
  • Metal Slug 4 - April 20th
  • Ninja Masters - April 20th
  • Looking For Aliens - April 27th
  • Grime - April 27th
  • Sengoku - April 27th
  • Magician Lord - April 27th

New games are made available each Thursday, with most delivered via the Amazon Games App with the exception of Wolfenstein: New Order and The Beast Inside, which are GOG codes, and Looking For Aliens, which is a Legacy Games code.

Of the fifteen, the obvious standout is Wolfenstein: The New Order. MachineGames reboot of the Wolfenstein series is an unusual but successful mixture of all-out action and stealth, and of stylish, gory ultraviolence and surprising warmth and sensitivity. I can't believe our review was eight years ago, now. And I still occasionlly re-watch Marsh's Fail Forward about it:

Amazon Prime subscribers will also have the usual set of free in-game content for various games, including cosmetics and XP boosts for Riot Games such as League Of Legends, and for the first time in April some free skins in Overwatch 2. The Amazon Prime subscription will cost you, of course.

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Wolfenstein: The New Order

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Graham Smith

Deputy Editorial Director

Rock Paper Shotgun's former editor-in-chief and current corporate dad. Also, he continues to write evening news posts for some reason.
