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Baldur's Gate 3's first patch has fixed several crash bugs

Bugs? Sounds like you've got druid troubles

Larian Studios slapped a wee hotfix on Baldur's Gate 3 last night, addressing some of the more pressing technical issues. Most notably, it fixed a number of crash bugs in the fantasy RPG. This is only the first patch on another journey through early access for the makers of Divinity: Original Sin 2.

"We never imagined such a huge influx of players in what we had envisioned being a relatively modest party of Early Access players," Larian said. "But we're up to the challenge, and we've been listening!"

The Hotfix #1 patch notes list four crash bugs fixed last night, as well as fixes for some other issues. Larian note again that other crashes might be avoided by switching the game to DirectX 11 mode instead of Vulkan, and also recommend disabling Steam and Discord overlays if you're having slowdowns.

They also say they are "still working on the multiplayer issues that some of you are experiencing" and that they're "very close to solving several of them". A number of crashes initially reported were in multiplayer, and Larian have also said looking into Windows and Mac players not being able to party up.

Honestly, unless you're gagging for a go, it's might be better to wait for a few patches, if not until the full launch once the game is finished and fixed - especially as it's already at its full launch price, so you're not even saving money by buying now. Larian expect early access to continue for at least a year, though, so it'll be a wait. A long wait when you really fancy some Dungeoning and Dragonsing.

"As a thing to fill time and tickle your brain, Baldur's Gate 3 early access is a meaty thing," Matthew Castle said in our Baldur's Gate 3 early access review. "Definitely more filling than the Fort Joy area of Original Sin 2's early access chunk." And that act might look quite different depending on your approach. But it is still currently only the first of three acts, and evidently bugs are a concern.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available in early access on Steam and GOG for Windows and Mac, priced at £50/€60/$60. It's on Stadia too.

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Baldur's Gate III

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Alice O'Connor

Associate Editor

Alice has been playing video games since SkiFree and writing about them since 2009, with nine years at RPS. She enjoys immersive sims, roguelikelikes, chunky revolvers, weird little spooky indies, mods, walking simulators, and finding joy in details. Alice lives, swims, and cycles in Scotland.
