Deadnaut: Signal Lost's design overhaul revives an excellent space horror setting
I’m being sensored
I loved the premise of Deadnaut. It's the tactility of chunky spaceship interfaces combined with the frustration of the corporation cheaping out on everything and not caring that it'll get everyone killed. It's the desperate crews exploring derelicts out on the fringes of the known, where terrible, unspeakable things have been unleashed. Alien by way of Duskers.
I didn't love playing it, though. It was too frantic, too awkward, too short. Deadnaut Colon Signal Lost changes all those things and more. It's more like a re-interpretation of its own ideas than a direct sequel. Consequently, it's sanded off a little of its unique nature, but overall is a much better game.
Even though it's a bloody roguelike. Godddd.
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