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Fortnite Week 5 battle star location: Between a giant rock man, crowned tomato, and encircled tree

In Week 5 of Fortnite's seventh season, there was yet another battle star to find, this times close to Tomato Temple. Instead of showing the ski lodges though, the clue to finding it is even more cryptic, though one clue indicates that it's close to Tomato Temple. This guide will give you that Battle Star location on a map, and precise directions of where you need to be to pick it up.

Fortnite Week 5 Battle Star location guide

Please note that this page is for a challenge that is no longer active in Fortnite. For a full list of currently active challenges, please go to our Fortnite week 6 challenges page.

With the game being the global sensation that it is, there's a lot to learn about not only getting that all-important "Victory Royale", but also the changes to the map as the seasons progress, and the challenges you can seek to complete. Head over to our Fortnite guide hub for every single thing you need to get started. Alternatively, you can head back to our Fortnite week 6 challenges guide for an overview of all the weekly challenges for this Season in Fortnite.

Between a giant rock man, crowned tomato, and encircled tree

The Battle Star in question is found on close to Tomato Temple, up the hill and next to the bridge to the east of the location. There are two oddly shaped rocks just to the west of the bridge entrance on the south side, as well as a bush. You'll just need to approach this one for it to appear, so make sure that you snag it up.

Looking at the Tomato Temple in the direction of where the Battle Star is located. There is a bridge to the right with a shack over it.

For the location on the map, check out the map above, while the two screenshots show the Battle Star before and after the beginning of the Ice Storm event.

This concludes our guide to the location of the Battle Star near Tomato Temple, but there's plenty more challenges to complete in Season 7. Another challenge that's available for you to complete involves dancing on top of three specific towers, so head on over to our Tower dancing location guide for more details.

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Dave Irwin avatar

Dave Irwin

Former Guides Writer

Dave was a guides writer for Rock Paper Shotgun from 2018-2020. He previously worked as a freelancer for TheSixthAxis, Tech Advisor and Kotaku, producing hundreds of guides to help people get better at their favourite games. He now writes guides for PCGamesN.
