Fortnite wind turbine locations - how to find all five in one game
While a previous week in Fortnite had you looking for relics of the past, this week, you're required to find modern mascots that are holographic, and dance inside of them. They can be tricky to spot and the Dumpling place is in an unexpected location, so below in our guide will be the locations of all three.
With the game being the global sensation that it is, there's a lot to learn about not only getting that all-important "Victory Royale", but also the changes to the map as the seasons progress, and the challenges you can seek to complete. Head over to our Fortnite guide hub for every single thing you need to get started. Alternatively, you can head back to our Fortnite week 6 challenges guide for an overview of all the weekly challenges for this Season in Fortnite.
Fortnite wind turbine locations guide
This guide will show you the locations of the three landmarks you need to visit and dance on - the holographic Tomatohead, the holographic Durrr Burger, and the Dumpling Head.

Fortnite wind turbine locations map
Above are the five locations you need to visit in one game, circled on the Fortnite map to visit. There's no particular order you need to visit them, but I highly recommend that you begin with the one at Grid Reference C4.
Wind turbine locations
Below is a set images for each of the wind turbines at Pleasant Park so you can see their nearby surroundings. They're found in Grid References B2, B3, B4, C2, and C4. They're all at the top of a hill and while you can access them via ziplines, the one at C4 also has an airbase nearby that can house Ballers. This is perhaps the best way to access them as you can just swing between them using the trees. You should be able to complete the challenge before the storm lands on top of you. You only need to be nearby in order to trigger the platform checklist.
And those are the locations you need to visit in week 5 of Fortnite Season 9. There's plenty more challenges to complete in Season 9. A previous week's challenge has been detailed in length in our Fortnite holographic Tomatohead, holographic Durrr Burger, and Dumpling Head locations guide, or you can check out our Fortnite Sky Platform locations guide to see where all of the Sky Platforms are in the map for the elimination challenge.