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Fortnite's storm is a giant wall of water now thanks to The Agency's doomsday machine

Welcome to water world

Fortnite's done it again with one of their live events. The battle royale kicked off Chapter 2 Season 3 by unveiling a thing they've called The Device. As some leakers predicted a few weeks back, most of the map is getting plunged underwater after a battle between Fortnite's blue storm and some giant doomsday device controlled by The Agency. Get yer flippers ready because the storm is now lav—er sorry, water.

When the in game countdown clock for the event hit zero, players saw five giant pylons pop out of the ground around The Agency. Right at the center, a pillar rose out of the ground with what looks like one of those plasma ball toys on top. After pulling power from its five supporting pillars, Sauron's eye shoots out a bunch of purple lightning to do battle against Fortnite's circular blue storm.

The storm and The Device push back and forth like a battle between Super Saiyans while players are all levitating in the air. For a moment it looks like the storm is defeated, leaving Fortnite's map in a blissful, sunshine and storm-free existence. But then it crashes back and instead of the usual storm, Fortnite's map now looks like a big ol' sinkhole.

If you want to see the event without someone yelling through it, here's a player who uploaded a capture of the proceedings. Ta, Faiz.

For now, you'll exit the battle bus into the center of a giant wall of water. If you get plucky and jump out of bounds, you'll find yourself swimming around, still taking damage as you normally would outside the playable area.

Partway through the event, players also seemed to be teleported into your stereotypical office full of white walls and filing cabinets. That blonde guy Jonesy, one of Fortnite's default characters, is there talking on the phone about stabilizing the storm in a business bloke suit and tie. I'm sure that revelation means something to those of you who know a thing or two about Fortnite lore.

Epic Games haven't published their official word on the event just yet, but I imagine you'll find it over on their website before too long.

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Lauren Morton

