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Metaphor: ReFantazio gets a new trailer and it's as beautiful as any Persona

Coming in Fall 2024

Between spin-offs, sequels and remakes, there are now more Persona games than you could play in a lifetime. It's exciting therefore to see Persona developers try their hand at something different, and Metaphor: ReFantazio certainly looks different. It's a high-fantasy RPG developed by Atlus and led by various former Persona and Shin Megami Tensei devs, and there's a new trailer below.

A new trailer for Metaphor: ReFantazio.

The trailer also narrows down the release window some. We already knew Metaphor was coming in 2024, but this trailer specifies autumn - or "Fall", anyway.

It looks exactly as stylish as Persona, but all that style bent towards different ends. The ends are: big mad fantasy gubbins. Fairies, weird boats, and enemy designs that are delightfully gaudy. There are a lot of systems that seem to carry over from Atlus's other work, though: turn-based combat, a party system, some sort of character bonding system...

Beyond that, we still don't know much about Metaphor. Even with all the talking in the trailer, I don't really know what's going on. I just know that I want it.

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Metaphor: ReFantazio

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Graham Smith

Deputy Editorial Director

Rock Paper Shotgun's former editor-in-chief and current corporate dad. Also, he continues to write evening news posts for some reason.
