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Metro: Last Light Complete Edition is currently free to keep from Steam

For its 10th anniversary

Free is free and spooky shooter Metro: Last Light is currently free to keep from Steam. It has been made available by developers 4A Games in order to celebrate its 10th anniversary. The catch, sort of, is that this is the Complete Edition, a version that does not normally even show up in Steam search results. The slightly-improved Metro: Last Light Redux will still cost you a few quid or bucks.

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From now until May 25th, you can head to the Metro: Last Light Complete Edition Steam page and press the button to add it to your account. It'll then be yours to keep forever.

It's worth doing. Like the original Metro 2033, Last Light is an atmospheric shooter set in the metro tunels beneath a post-apocalyptic Moscow. The tunnels are filled with the last survivor's of humanity, but also mutants that are almost as dangerous. It's a good, more linear companion to the Stalker games, and Jim dug it a lot back in 2013.

Metro: Last Light also followed in the footsteps of its predecessor by having some rough edges, which the Redux re-release smoothed out with some extra modes and visual polish. The original is still a great game though, and this is the Complete Edition, which already includes extras originally released as DLC.

If you enjoy Last Light, you can then graduate to 2019's Metro Exodus, which traded subterranean tunnels for a more open (but ultimately still linear) overworld and the same grim attention to detail.

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Metro: Last Light

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Graham Smith

Deputy Editorial Director

Rock Paper Shotgun's former editor-in-chief and current corporate dad. Also, he continues to write evening news posts for some reason.
