Starfield names list: All 1011 names VASCO can say
Including a list of the funniest and rudest Starfield names
What are all the Starfield names that VASCO can say? Bethesda RPGs have a history of having a built-in list of player names that can be spoken by characters in-game, and Starfield is no exception. If you pick one out of a list of over 1000 different names, then your robot companion VASCO will say your name at various points throughout the game.
Whether you're looking to see if your own name can be spoken by VASCO, or you just want to see what the funniest, silliest, and rudest possible names are that VASCO can say, you've come to the right place. Below you can find the full Starfield names list containing all 1011 names that VASCO can say.
Funniest Starfield names VASCO can say
If you're looking to get a chuckle out of every encounter you have with Starfield's lovable robot VASCO, then below are the names to pick. Bethesda evidently had some fun when putting together the above list, because there are quite a few rude names that VASCO can say.
- Assface
- Bastard
- Boob
- Boobie
- Boobies
- Bulger
- Capable
- Captain
- Cherrybomb
- Cock
- Death
- Dick
- Dong
- Dragon
- Erectus
- Ferret
- Fragile
- Fuck
- Fucker
- Fuckface
- Furiosa
- Fury
- Goose
- Humongous
- Humungus
- Imperator
- Monster
- Morgue
- Muck
- Mudguts
- Nasty
- Nipple
- Optical
- Orgasmo
- Picard
- Princess
- Psycho
- Puma
- Python
- Rockatansky
- Sex
- Sexy
- Slaughter
- Slit
- Spider
- Tit
- Tittie
- Titties
- Willy
You absolute children, Bethesda.
Starfield names list: All names VASCO can say
In the table below you'll find the full list of all 1011 names that VASCO can say in Starfield. Use the search field at the top of the table to search for a particular name!
Starfield names VASCO can say | ||
Aaliyah | Aaron | Abigail |
Abram | Abrams | Adalyn |
Adam | Adams | Addison |
Adeline | Adrian | Ahn |
Aideen | Aiden | Akira |
Al | Alaina | Alan |
Alana | Aldrin | Alex |
Alexander | Alexandra | Alexis |
Alice | Alison | Allen |
Allison | Altman | Alyssa |
Amanda | Amelia | Ana |
Andersen | Anderson | Andonov |
Andrew | Andy | Angel |
Angela | Anna | Annabelle |
Anthony | Archer | Aria |
Arianna | Armstrong | Ash |
Asher | Ashford | Ashley |
Asimov | Aspen | Assface |
Atkins | Atkinson | Atom |
Atomic | Atticus | Aubrey |
Aubuchon | Audrey | Austin |
Autumn | Ava | Avery |
Bacon | Badass | Bailey |
Baker | Banner | Bannerman |
Bannion | Barnes | Baron |
Barron | Barry | Bash |
Bastard | Battosai | Battuta |
Batty | Baudoin | Becker |
Bell | Bella | Ben |
Benjamin | Bennell | Bennett |
Bentley | Berry | Bert |
Bery | Bill | Billie |
Billy | Bilodeau | Black |
Blaise | Blake | Blaze |
Bo | Bob | Bobbi |
Bobbie | Bobby | Bond |
Boob | Boobie | Boobies |
Boom | Boston | Bouman |
Bowman | Bradley | Brandon |
Braun | Brayden | Brenna |
Brian | Briana | Brick |
Brigner | Brock | Brodie |
Brody | Brooklyn | Brooks |
Browder | Brown | Browne |
Bruce | Bryan | Bryant |
Bryn | Buffy | Bulger |
Bull | Burcham | Burgess |
Burke | Burt | Butch |
Butler | Buzz | Caden |
Cal | Caleb | Callaghan |
Callie | Camden | Cameron |
Camilla | Campbell | Capable |
Captain | Cara | Carey |
Carissa | Carnow | Carofano |
Caroline | Carson | Carter |
Carver | Casey | Casserly |
Castle | Catherine | Cazz |
Cerkez | Cha | Chapin |
Chappy | Charles | Charley |
Charlie | Charlotte | Chase |
Cheng | Cherise | Cherry |
Cherrybomb | Chloe | Chopper |
Chris | Christian | Christiane |
Christopher | Church | Claire |
Clara | Clark | Clarke |
Claw | Clemens | Clunk |
Cobb | Cobra | Cock |
Cockerham | Coffman | Cole |
Colin | Collins | Colton |
Combs | Conall | Connor |
Cook | Cooke | Cooper |
Corey | Cormac | Corman |
Cornelius | Cornett | Corri |
Corrie | Corrine | Corvo |
Corwin | Cory | Cosgrove |
Courtenay | Cox | Coyle |
Craig | Crash | Cruz |
Cullen | Cummings | Curt |
Cynthia | D.J. | Dag |
Damien | Dan | Dane |
Danger | Daniel | Daniels |
Danny | Darrel | Darren |
Darryl | Daryl | Dave |
David | Davis | Dawson |
Deag | Death | Deb |
Debb | Debbie | Deborah |
Debra | Deckard | Declan |
Deitrick | Deitsch | Dell |
Denis | Dennis | Denton |
Deschain | Desousa | Deth |
Dexter | Diana | Diane |
Diangelo | Dianne | Diaz |
Dick | Dimaggio | Dinolt |
Dj | Django | Dom |
Domics | Dominguez | Dominic |
Don | Donald | Dong |
Dongjun | Donnie | Donny |
Dorothy | Doug | Douglas |
Dragon | Draper | Dulany |
Dutch | Duval | Duvall |
Dylan | Eagle | East |
Ed | Eddie | Eddy |
Edwards | Elaine | Elena |
Eli | Eliana | Elias |
Elijah | Elisabeth | Elizabeth |
Ella | Ellie | Elliot |
Elliott | Emil | Emile |
Emily | Emma | Erectus |
Eric | Erik | Erikson |
Erin | Ernest | Ernie |
Eschenbacher | Estevanico | Ethan |
Eugene | Evan | Evans |
Eve | Evelyn | Everdeen |
Everett | Fain | Felipe |
Ferret | Fifi | Finn |
Finster | Fiona | Fisher |
Flag | Flagg | Flash |
Flores | Flynn | Foster |
Fox | Fragile | Francis |
Franke | Frederic | Freeman |
Fronteau | Frost | Fuck |
Fucker | Fuckface | Furiosa |
Fury | Gabriel | Gabriella |
Gagarin | Garcia | Gardiner |
Gary | Gavin | Gene |
Genevieve | Geoffrey | George |
Georgia | Germano | Gerry |
Gianna | Gil | Glen |
Gomez | Gonzalez | Goose |
Gordon | Graber | Grace |
Grant | Gravato | Gray |
Grayson | Greco | Green |
Greene | Grey | Griffin |
Gryphon | Gutierrez | Guy |
Hackman | Hailey | Hall |
Ham | Hamilton | Hamm |
Hammer | Hammett | Hamrick |
Han | Hannah | Hans |
Harden | Hardi | Harold |
Harper | Harris | Harry |
Haschart | Hasenbuhler | Hastings |
Hawk | Hawke | Hazel |
He | Henning | Henry |
Herbert | Hicks | Hill |
Hines | Holly | Holmes |
Hook | Hopgood | Houle |
House | Howard | Howell |
Hudson | Hughes | Humongous |
Humungus | Hyun | Ian |
Ibn | Ilya | Imperator |
Indiana | Indy | Isaac |
Isabella | Isabelle | Isaiah |
Ist | Istvan | J.P. |
Jack | Jackson | Jacob |
Jag | Jake | James |
Jangjoon | Jasmine | Jason |
Jay | Jayce | Jayden |
Jeff | Jeffery | Jemison |
Jen | Jenkins | Jennifer |
Jeremiah | Jeremy | Jerry |
Jerusalem | Jess | Jessica |
Jessie | Jet | Jim |
Jimmy | Joan | Joe |
Joel | Joey | John |
Johnson | Jon | Jonathan |
Jones | Jonpaul | Jordan |
Jordyn | Joseph | Josh |
Joshua | Josiah | Jp |
Juan | Julia | Julian |
Juliana | Justin | Kaela |
Kaelyn | Kaitlyn | Kal |
Kalel | Kal-El | Kaneda |
Karlie | Kate | Katharine |
Katherine | Katie | Katniss |
Kauffman | Kayla | Kaylee |
Keira | Kelley | Kelly |
Kelvin | Ken | Kennedy |
Kenshin | Kevin | Kim |
King | Kirk | Knight |
Krietz | Kris | Kristine |
Kuhlmann | Kurt | Kylie |
Lafferty | Lamb | Lamprecht |
Lance | Landon | Lane |
Laura | Lauren | Layla |
Lea | Leah | Lederer |
Lee | Leia | Leif |
Leo | Leon | Leslie |
Levi | Lewis | Li |
Liam | Lila | Liliana |
Lillian | Lily | Lincoln |
Linda | Lionheart | Lipari |
Liz | Locke | Logan |
London | Loner | Long |
Lopez | Losi | Lucas |
Luce | Lucy | Luke |
Lundin | Lupe | Lynda |
Maam | Mackay | Mackenzie |
Macklin | Madeleine | Madelyn |
Madison | Mae | Makayla |
Mal | Malcolm | Mamba |
Mandi | Mandy | Marc |
Marco | Marcus | Margaret |
Marge | Margie | Maria |
Marie | Marji | Marjorie |
Mark | Marko | Markus |
Marlowe | Marsden | Martel |
Martin | Martinez | Marty |
Mary | Mason | Mat |
Mateo | Matt | Matthew |
Matty | Max | Maya |
Mccoy | Mcdyer | Mcfly |
Mckay | Mcpherson | Meagan |
Means | Megan | Meister |
Melody | Merriam | Mia |
Micah | Michael | Michonne |
Miguel | Mikami | Mike |
Mila | Miles | Miller |
Mitchell | Mohammed | Molly |
Monster | Montana | Moore |
Morales | Morgan | Morgue |
Morpheus | Morris | Muck |
Mudguts | Mueller | Muhammad |
Mulder | Muldoon | Murphy |
Myers | Nadia | Nancy |
Nanes | Nanni | Nardone |
Nasty | Natalia | Natalie |
Natasha | Nate | Nathan |
Nathaniel | Nazarov | Neal |
Neary | Nelson | Neo |
Nesmith | Neville | Nguyen |
Nicholas | Nico | Nipple |
Noah | Nogueira | Nolan |
Noonan | Noqueira | Nora |
Norm | Norman | North |
Northup | Nourmohammadi | Nuclear |
Nuke | Nyhart | Olds |
Oliver | Olivia | Ollie |
Olsen | Olson | Optical |
Orgasmo | Orin | Orion |
Ortiz | Owen | Owens |
Pagliarulo | Palmer | Paris |
Parker | Parson | Pat |
Patrick | Patty | Paul |
Pely | Pendleton | Penelope |
Perez | Perry | Pete |
Peter | Peterson | Peyton |
Phil | Philip | Phillips |
Picard | Pickett | Pierce |
Plissken | Powell | Preacher |
Price | Priest | Prince |
Princess | Psycho | Puma |
Python | Qin | Quartermain |
Quatermass | Queen | Quinn |
Rabil | Raed | Raf |
Rafael | Ramirez | Ramsey |
Randal | Randall | Rankin |
Rapp | Ray | Raymond |
Reagan | Red | Reed |
Reese | Reidicus | Reische |
Rex | Reyes | Reynolds |
Ric | Ricardo | Richard |
Richards | Richardson | Rick |
Ricky | Rictus | Riddick |
Ride | Riley | Ripley |
River | Rivera | Rob |
Robb | Robert | Roberts |
Robinson | Rock | Rockatansky |
Rocky | Rodriguez | Rodriquez |
Roger | Rogers | Roland |
Roman | Romanov | Romanova |
Romero | Ron | Ronald |
Ronny | Rook | Rosa |
Rose | Ross | Roy |
Ruby | Russell | Ryan |
Sacagewea | Sadie | Sage |
Sally | Salvatore | Sam |
Samantha | Sammie | Sammy |
Samuel | Sanchez | Sanders |
Sandra | Sanjuro | Sara |
Sarah | Sarse | Savannah |
Sawyer | Scarlett | Schaefer |
Scharf | Schreiber | Schroeder |
Scott | Scully | Sears |
Sebastian | Selena | Serena |
Seth | Sex | Sexy |
Shane | Shannon | Shanon |
Shaun | Shawn | Shen |
Shinji | Shrike | Sidney |
Singer | Sir | Skyler |
Slaughter | Slinger | Slit |
Smirnova | Smith | Snake |
Snow | Solo | Solomon |
Sophia | Sophie | South |
Southie | Spade | Speer |
Spider | Spike | Splendid |
Spring | Springsteen | Stark |
Stef | Stella | Steph |
Stephanie | Stephen | Sterling |
Steve | Steven | Steward |
Stewart | Stone | Stratton |
Struthers | Stuart | Sullivan |
Summer | Sunshine | Sweetpea |
Sydney | Takahashi | Tallahassee |
Tardif | Taylor | Teare |
Ted | Teddy | Teitel |
Tereshkova | Tesla | Tetsuo |
Texas | Thom | Thomas |
Thompson | Thorn | Thorne |
Tiana | Tim | Timmy |
Timothy | Tit | Tittie |
Titties | Toadie | Toast |
Todd | Toecutter | Tom |
Tommy | Tonon | Tony |
Torres | Tracey | Tracy |
Treadway | Trinity | Tristan |
Tuck | Turner | Tyler |
Unbreakable | Utting | Valenti |
Valentina | Valentine | Valkyrie |
Vargas | Vash | Vaughan |
Vaughn | Venkman | Vic |
Vicens | Victoria | Violet |
Vivian | Wagner | Walker |
Walton | Wanderer | Ward |
Washington | Watson | Watts |
Wayne | Webb | Wells |
Wes | West | Weyland |
Wez | White | Whitey |
Wikus | Will | Willem |
William | Williams | Willy |
Wilson | Winter | Wisnewski |
Wood | Woodward | Wright |
Wyatt | Xavier | Yan |
Yeasting | Yojimbo | Yorick |
Young | Yuri | Yutani |
Zachary | Zdana | Zed |
Zenith | Zetta | Zheng |
Ziggy | Zip | Zoe |
So that's that: all 1,011 Starfield names that VASCO is programmed to say. Presumably you're at the start of your Starfield journey if you're still naming your character, so why not also check out our beginner's guides on the best Starfield backgrounds, best Starfield traits, and best Starfield skills to get early on? If you're looking for love, then also check out our guide on the Starfield romance options to find out which companions you can woo. We've also got handy lists of all Starfield Item IDs and the Starfield console commands and cheats.