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The Electronic Wireless Show podcast S2 Episode 15: welcome to the Fortnite Olympics

They don’t release lions in football

This week, the Electronic Wireless Show podcast – minus Alice, who’s away – goes faster, higher, and maybe even stronger as we discuss the upcoming Olympic Esport Series 2023. Yes, those Olympics. Battle royale megahit Fortnite recently joined the events list, but are the Olympics folk really making the best use of games if they’re just recreating real-life competitions? And which games would we choose for our own hypothetical esports event, which may or may not involve the unleashing of big cats? Listen in to find out, though you probably already know Nate is going to say Age of Empires. Also, we attempt to crack the case of a mysterious graphics card/lobster smuggling operation, chat about what we’ve been playing this week, and make some zesty recommendations.

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Music is by Jack de Quidt.

We recorded this particular episode on Wednesday afternoon, so hopefully not too much has changed by the time you listen on Thursday. But you never know.

Recommendations this week are the gleefully ridiculous action film RRR and Hoogstraten strawberries. Try to find them in a local shop, though, as that site's delivery prices are yeeeeeeesh.

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James Archer

Hardware Editor

James had previously hung around beneath the RPS treehouse as a freelancer, before being told to drop the pine cones and climb up to become hardware editor. He has over a decade’s experience in testing/writing about tech and games, something you can probably tell from his hairline.
