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The Electronic Wireless Show S2 Episode 29: it's Starfield time!

That's like 'It's clobberin' time!' but instead of fists you're battered with side missions

A white man with an unnerving star and extremely yellow pointy hair - the Adoring Fan in Starfield
Image credit: Bethesda Game Studios

Greetings, starchildren. This week on the Electronic Wireless Show podcast we talk about Starfield, the game on everyone's lips! We got code late due to an unknown random happenstance, but we've now put a bunch of time into playing it so can have a blimmin' great chat about Bethesda's space RPG. I sound like I hate it, but don't. James actually likes it. Nate has not played it but he asks us about it.

As you might imagine, the field of stars also makes up the bulk of our What We've Been Playing this week, although Nate is considering whether to start that or Baldur's Gate 3 - we give conflicting answers... Plus, some interesting recommendations, and Garfield.

You can listen above, or on on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, or Pocket Casts. You can find the RSS feed here, and you can discuss the episode on our Discord channel, which has a dedicated room for podcast chat.

Music is by Jack de Quidt.

We record on a Tuesday so some things may have changed by the time you listen to this on Thursday.

Recommendations this week are Higgidy's red pepper and feta veggie rolls, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, streaming now, and Clint's Reptiles on YouTube.

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Alice Bell

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Small person powered by tea and books; RPS's dep ed since 2018. Send her etymological facts and cool horror or puzzle games.
