The RPS Advent Calendar 2023, December 6th
Congratulations on being number 1000!
Review: The Talos Principle 2 review: masterful puzzles that will make your head spin with dizzying delight
Intelligent systems
Devolver hire Portal's GLaDOS to Let's Play their Portal-esque puzzler The Talos Principle 2
“Have you heard of portals? What about copyright infringement?”
The Talos Principle 2's demo is a "specially tailored" intro to its gorgeous sci-fi puzzles
Playtest lands ahead of November launch
Ghosts are running scared
The Talos Principle 2 promises more philosophical pondering and mind-bending puzzles
Coming later this year
Devolver Digital have acquired Serious Sam developers Croteam
The Talos Principle 2 Gallery
The Talos Principle 2 Feed