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Vampire Survivors lets you play as a question mark thanks to today's surprise patch

There's a new quick start mode and more cheats too

So two weeks ago I let you know that Vampire Survivors wouldn’t be getting any more patches before it launched into its 1.0 version. The cheeky scamps at poncle have only gone and made me look like a right sausage today, surprise announcing another patch. This time, they’re adding in a new game mode, quick start, and a very odd new character.

Devs poncle went all out for Vampire Survivors most recent patch and commissioned a fancy trailer.

This new mode randomly chooses a character and stage for you, so you get your very own surprise. I assume that’s what they were trying to do to me with the patch announcement, so thanks for that. The absolute bloomin’ best bit about today’s 0.11.2 update, though, is the newfound ability to play as a question mark. Poncle say players can unlock a ? button in the character select that enables you to just be a ?, which is strange but... okay then.

Patch 0.11.2 also follows up on last month’s All-In-One and Not One updates with some more cheat code spells. One of these unlocks the last update’s new character, Queen Sigma. Here’s the list:

  • maybeiamastallion: Unlocks Smith (only works if Toastie is unlocked)
  • igottagettotheedgeofsoul: Unlocks Aren Gijus
  • allatonce: Unlocks Queen Sigma

Matt had a blast with the game for his early access Vampire Survivors review at the start of this year, recommending that it be played with one hand while the other is in a bag of crisps. “In my most recent run, I reached a point where I could just stand still, safe and snug inside a life-stealing death field paired with spinning glyphs, giant phantom swords, even gianter scythes, bouncing mega-bones and lightning blasts,” he said. “Even so, that run was no sure thing.”

Vampire Survivors’ final – really? – 0.11.2 patch descends onto Steam, the Microsoft Store and PC Game Pass today. The game’s still £2/$3/€2. You can take a glance at the full patch notes here.

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CJ Wheeler

Former News Reporter

CJ used to write about steam locomotives but now covers Steam instead. Likes visual novels, most things with dungeons and/or crawling, and any shooter with a suitably chunky shotgun. He’s from Yorkshire, which means he’s legally obliged to enjoy a cup of tea and a nice sit down.
