Best LMG in Modern Warfare 3
Here are our recommendations for the very best LMG in MW3
What is the very best LMG in Modern Warfare 3? LMGs have traditionally been among the least popular fully automatic weapon choices in Call Of Duty, and for the most part, it looks like the same is true of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. But there are one or two surprises in this category that make LMGs well worth exploring.
Below, we've ranked every single LMG in Modern Warfare 3, starting with the worst and working our way up to the very best LMG in MW3. So if you want to quickly get to grips with the LMG meta in this new iteration of COD, keep reading!
What is the best LMG in MW3?
We believe the Pulemyot is the best LMG in Modern Warfare 3 right now, thanks to its incredible balance of stopping power and mobility. With the right attachments, the Pulemyot can be kitted out to have the mobility of a lightweight Assault Rifle, while retaining the massive damage of a hard-hitting LMG.
Here is our Modern Warfare 3 LMG tier list:
- Pulemyot
- TAQ Eradicator
- Raal
- Holger 26
- Sakin MG38
- DG-58 LSW
- Bruen Mk9
- 556 Icarus
- Rapp H
- HCR 56
Below we've listed all 11 LMGs in Modern Warfare 3, ranging from the worst all the way to the best LMG in the game.
11. HCR 56

The HCR 56 has never really been able to overcome its strange damage profile, which gives it a steep time-to-kill dropoff at around 25 metres. This means it works best at close range, but its sluggish handling and mobility stats means it fails to compete with the various Assault Rifles and SMGs at the player's disposal in Modern Warfare 3. And compared to other LMGs, low damage and high recoil means you should probably avoid the HCR 56 altogether.
10. RPK

The RPK is a fairly reliable, bogstandard Light Machine Gun, and it's certainly a weapon you can use to great effect. But overall, despite its fairly high damage per shot, the high recoil makes it a difficult weapon to master, particularly in the confined, chaotic environments of MW3. Its handling stats across the board are fairly mediocre - not bad, but not great. Overall, a slightly sub-par LMG this year.
9. Rapp H

The extremely fast fire rate of the Rapp H is what sets it apart from other LMGs, although the 556 Icarus and Bruen Mk9 are not far behind in that department. The Rapp H feels pretty strong once you get used to it, with decent range and a competitive time-to-kill. You should probably work on improving recoil and range as much as possible to make the most of this LMG, but its low damage keeps it out of the top half.
8. 556 Icarus

The 556 Icarus feels very similar to the Rapp H, with only slightly lower fire rate (but still very fast), a similar damage profile, similar range, similar handling... Basically if you're happy using one, you'll be happy using the other. We've put the Icarus slightly ahead because it's a bit easier to use, and has great mobility and handling speeds for a LMG. In fact, the 556 Icarus can be turned into a very respectable Assault Rifle. But it lacks the pure stopping power of several guns higher on the list.
For more information on this LMG, check out our guide to the best 556 Icarus loadout in MW3.
7. Bruen Mk9

The Bruen Mk9 is another bulky lead-spitter that utilises a very high fire rate and a very large magazine to provide endless suppressive and covering fire. Neither of those terms are very appealing to COD players, but pre-firing a player popping around a corner is made very easy with the Bruen Mk9, which is rather more useful. It's a strong weapon, no doubt, but it feels heavy even for an LMG, which holds it back from the higher spots.
6. DG-58 LSW

The DG-58 LSW is another decent option if you want a lighter-feeling LMG that you can use more like an Assault Rifle than anything else. In this respect it's quite similar in role to the 556 Icarus, albeit slightly faster with slightly less damage potential. We still prefer it because the meta is very much geared towards faster movement than most LMGs can provide, so the DG-58 is a fairly good middle-of-the-pack option for LMGs.
5. Sakin MG38

The Sakin MG38 has one of the fastest time-to-kill stats at the edge of its effective range, which alone makes it a force to be reckoned with in the LMG category. It does have lower accuracy and worse recoil compared to many LMGs, which means your loadout probably needs to be dominated by recoil control attachments. It also falls flat when compared to the simply superior Raal MG. But still, the Sakin MG38 is a very formidable and reliable LMG.
4. Holger 26

The Holger 26 earns it spot high in the rankings of MW3's LMGs thanks to its good handling, versatility, and accuracy over long ranges. It can essentially be used like a G36C Assault Rifle from the original Modern Warfare, but the damage potential will still beat out most Assault Rifles because, well... It's an LMG. It's a great lightweight LMG option for players who don't want to get bogged down too much by giant hunks of bullet-spitting metal.
3. Raal

The Raal's devastating damage potential makes it a fearsome weapon even in a meta filled with faster-handling guns. It may have a low fire rate, but that also makes it surprisingly accurate, so you can use it without too much trouble even at Sniper ranges. The only real downside is that you have to contend with the innate clunkiness of a heavy LMG.
2. TAQ Eradicator

The TAQ Eradicator features a very unique selling point in the LMG category. When you first hold down the trigger, it has an exceptionally high fire rate, which then quickly slows down to something more akin to regular LMGs. It's a double-edged sword - the first few shots are so fast that the time-to-kill is fantastic, but the gun is also quite hard to control until the fire rate slows down. Still, that time-to-kill alone makes it a top-tier LMG, and with the right attachments you can make full use of those initial shots without it spiralling out of control.
If you like a shooting wild with a slightly experimental weapon, then the TAQ Eradicator might be right for you, and the sheer damage potential wins it a top spot on this list. For some advice on controlling this unusual gun, take a look at our best TAQ Eradicator loadout guide.
1. Pulemyot

The Pulemyot 762 is absolutely the best LMG available in Modern Warfare 3 in the current meta. This LMG has a very competitive time-to-kill thanks to its good balance of damage-per-shot and fire rate, and with its low recoil, decent range, and great ironsights, it's remarkably easy to use to outgun anything from Assault Rifles to SMGs. The secret to unlocking the Pulemyot's potential is to use the 762B Bullpup Conversion Kit to drastically speed up its mobility and handling stats, effectively turning it into a very light Assault Rifle - perhaps even an SMG - with the stopping power of a top-of-the-line Light Machine Gun. It's pretty crazy.
To unlock the full potential of the best LMG in the game, check out our guide on the best Pulemyot loadout in Modern Warfare 3!
That's all you need to know about the LMG class of weapons in Modern Warfare 3, and how they compare to one another in terms of pure potential for topping the scoreboard. For more guides like this, check out our MW3 best Assault Rifles, best SMGs, best Shotguns, and best Sniper Rifles lists.